The eShop of IDJY is hosted by Planethoster and created from Prestashop.  It feels happy that you take time to read its terms of use.


All that is shown on this website is meant to be good-natured. We aim to make you smile, even is some people have really crappy humour.

We inform you that some data presented here can be shocking. Do not complain about not being warned!

All merchandise is checked, first hand (else precised), chosen and tested by us.

We decline all responsibility concerning the content of comments and outsider conributions.

If you find the looks ugly, offer me better webdesign, for free.

Using your data

To sum up the French Law, we keep all your data for ourselves, we bathe in it on weekends, and the rest can go whistle for it! If the FBI hacks us, we're sorry, we are not big enough to prevent that legally.

Feel free to oppose treatment of your data, using Contact form or phone. Just know that you won't get your order if you do that...

Regarding GDPR, I'm really sorry if I forgot to ask you for the third time if you understood that you just game me some data. 
"Eve GALLOIS" is the only Human spokesperson at IDJY for now. I know what I do with your data through this company: you are not just a number to me <3

Orders over 120€ will be stored for 10 years (legal). Your account will be removed after 3 years inactivity.

Technical issues

We are truly sorry for any technical issue you may encounter. This website is optimised for Opera browser. Contact the Webmistress if you wish (but don't call at 2 a.m. because it's pointless).

If you lose a voucher because the website is down, contact us and we'll extend it if we can.

Commitment of the visitor

By clicking anywhere on this website, you agree to smile for at least 5 minutes bythe end of the day (except if it's a shitty day - then you'll express how you feel clearly for the same amoint of time), to not make a daddy-joke for two hours and to let your partner get the last chip.

You can even commit some more, thinking about a True compliment for every person who crosses your path, even if it is just about the colour of their scraf or the cuteness of the way they sneeze.